bye 2020, hello 2021
Forum of experts for the recovery and urban transformation of Murcia
The New Mahou-Calderón presented as the Ribera del Calderón
The C.C. WAY Dos Hermanas, awarded by Andalucía Inmobiliaria magazine
Exhibition "Reinventing Cities for more sustainable cities"
Inauguration of the C.C. WAY in Dos Hermanas, Seville
Urbanization works is Mahou-Calderón
The City Council will implement a pioneering system in the Mahou-Calderón operation
Youth and Cultural Center, Vicálvaro District. Madrid
LPO Building C / Ayala, 63. Madrid
Gradual adaptation plan back to the workplace
New Shopping Center in Cáceres.
We are still working.
New Real Estate Promotion in Valladolid.
New Sports Center at Colegio Ntra Sra de las Nieves, Madrid
Transgenerational housing. Talk-Debate